Parent Testimonial! UTS Marlton

At UTSLC, nothing warms our hearts more, nothing inspires our passion more than knowing that we've had a positive impact on the lives of the kids and their families. And the letter below, from a UTS Marlton parent... Well, just read it for yourself...

To Our Under the Sun Family,

I couldn't celebrate our 1-year anniversary being at Under the Sun without a letter reviewing our last year with you all. I am a teacher and my husband owns his own business, so we certainly know that most people complain and point out negative aspects, so hearing something positive once in a while helps us continue to love what we do.

Last election day, I could remember sitting in your parking lot, ready for a tour of the facility, crying as I received yet another phone call from our previous daycare provider that our 3-year-old daughter was out of control and needed to get picked up yet again. I decided to continue with my tour and explained our situation in more detail with Monica and Erika. Monica was so reassuring as I even had to show her a picture of my daughter since I felt like I was portraying her as a monster from the stories I was sharing. We walked down to Beth's class during naptime and I could clearly remember thinking that I need Beth to share her secrets with me as it truly takes a talented saint to get a group of 3-year-olds to listen so well. I knew my daughter needed Beth in her life but was terrified to transition her. I left Under the Sun to attend my meeting at the other daycare, which turned out to be extremely emotional. I thought as a teacher, I went above and beyond to choose what was right for my daughter, and it turned out, it wasn't exactly what I thought it was. Seeing naptime there made me decide instantly that we needed Ms. Beth hands down. I frantically called Monica as soon as I got to my car, and Liliana started at Under the Sun that Thursday.

Although we did have some ups and downs along with some struggles getting into the structure and routine, I felt that we were truly a team. Beth and Monica even went out of their way to be proactive to meet with me to discuss the strengths of my daughter and where we needed a plan to work through her struggles. They were both open to ideas and Monica even shared resources with me as we still attend play therapy which has helped tremendously. I was truly sad to leave at the end of the school year since she was so happy attending school and wouldn't understand that Mr. Rocco and Mx. "Mary Lou Lou" wouldn't be bringing her to extended school year either. We again worked as a team to schedule not only Lily, but also my younger son Sal for swim lessons to keep her consistent throughout the summer. My kids both couldn't wait for their swim lessons and the instructors were absolutely fantastic! Lily transitioned back to school this year and then into Ms. Krystyna's classroom with ease. Of course, she still has her moments like every kid does, but we are definitely leaps and bounds above where we were a year ago.

So with that being said, my long-winded letter is just to say THANK YOU! Especially with all that has gone on lately, there are negatives comments or assumptions that may be made, but I can truly say hands down that we love our Under the Sun Family and would never look elsewhere. Thank you for looking at my child as an individual and recognizing her strengths and what works for her rather than focusing on her weaknesses. We simply wouldn't be where we are today without the staff at Under the Sun working with us. Our youngest couldn't be more excited to start there in September. We truly know our kids are in the best hands which is something that is priceless. In honor of November and being thankful, we must say that we are truly thankful for all of you!


The Leggio Family

Thank You :) We “Like” You Too!